5 Tanda Lelaki Jatuh Cinta Dalam Diam

5 Tanda Lelaki Jatuh Cinta Dalam Diam

5 Tanda Lelaki Jatuh Cinta Dalam Diam – Perempuan ini mudah jatuh hati kalau lelaki itu berkata-kata manis dengan si dia, bergurau senda tetapi tak semua lelaki yang mengambil serius yang menandakan mereka ini serius dengan anda. Jangan terlalu cepat perasan, tapi anda perlu perhatikan beberapa tanda ini yang boleh menjadikan lelaki itu betul sukakan & mahukan anda.


Lelaki yang berusaha untuk mendapatkan anda, mereka ini sanggup untuk melakukan apa sahaja untuk membuktikan kepada anda bahawa mereka ini serius dengan anda. Contoh, kalau lelaki itu dari awal perkenalan mungkin seorang yang tidak bekerja tetap tetapi dia berusaha untuk mencari satu pekerjaan tetap untuk membuktikan anda yang mereka ini boleh berjaya.


Tanda-tanda seorang lelaki itu serius dengan anda, mereka akan mula bercerita tentang masa depan dengan anda. Bermaksud bagaimana kehidupan mereka dengan anda apabila di masa hadapan. Apa yang anda mahukan di masa hadapan dengan si dia. Jarang untuk berjumpa lelaki yang serius untuk bercakap tentang masa depan dengan wanita yang tidak disukai.


Lelaki yang serius dan menginginkan anda, pasti mereka akan bawa anda untuk berkenalan dengan kedua ibu bapa serta menyatakan hasrat yang mereka ingin menghalalkan anda.


Lelaki sukakan cabaran dan kalau mereka inginkan satu perkara itu mereka akan berusaha sehingga berjaya mendapatkan. Sebegitu juga jikalau mereka inginkan anda, mereka sanggup untuk lakukan apa sahaja asalkan anda boleh menjadi milik mereka.


Tak semua lelaki ingin kenalkan anda bersama kawan-kawan mereka. Lagi-lagi kalau kawan mereka jenis suka judge orang dan inginkan kawan mereka pilih yang cantik. Tetapi kalau lelaki itu dah mula perkenalkan anda dengan kawan-kawan mereka itu tanda mereka serius dengan anda. Kalau ada apa-apa masalah yang berlaku anda boleh rujuk atau meminta pertolongan dengan kawan-kawan dia.

Tujuan Kompetensi Keahlian Teknik Alat Berat

Tujuan Kompetensi Keahlian Teknik Alat Berat secara umum mengacu pada isi Undang Undang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional (UU SPN) pasal 3 mengenai Tujuan Pendidikan Nasional dan penjelasan pasal 15 yang menyebutkan bahwa pendidikan kejuruan merupakan pendidikan menengah yang mempersiapkan peserta didik terutama untuk bekerja dalam bidang tertentu. Secara khusus tujuan Program Keahlian Teknik Alat Berat adalah membekali peserta didik dengan keterampilan, pengetahuan dan sikap agar kompeten :

Tujuan Kompetensi Keahlian Teknik Alat Berat

  • Melaksanakan keterampilan dasar Maintenance and Repair
  • Melepas dan memasang electric alat berat
  • Melepas dan memasang power train alat berat
  • Melepas dan memasang under carigage alat berat
  • Melepas dan memasang hydraulic alat berat
  • Melaksanakan Preventive Maintenance

Kompetensi Keahlian Teknik Alat Berat

Standar kompetensi yang digunakan sebagai acuan pengembangan kurikulum ini adalah Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia (SKKNI) pada Keahlian Teknik Alat Berat. Standar kompetensi dan level kualifikasi keahlian Teknik Alat Berat dapat digambarkan sebagai berikut :

  • Memahami dasar – dasar kejuruan mesin
  • Memahami proses – proses dasar pembentukan logam
  • Menjelaskan proses – proses mesin konversi energi.
  • Menerapkan prosedur keselamatan, kesehatan kerja dan lingkungan tempat kerja.
  • Menginterprestasikan gambar teknik
  • Menggunakan peralatan dan perlengkapan di tempat kerja
  • Menggunakan alat – alat ukur ( measuring tools )
  • Menggunakan special tools
  • Menggunakan workshop equipment
  • Menggunakan seal, bearing dan coating material
  • Menggunakan service literatur
  • Menggunakan pekerjaan dasar listrik
  • Menggunakan dasar hydraulic sistem
  • Melaksanakan pekerjaan dasar power train.
  • Melaksanakan pekerjaan dasar engine
  • Melaksanakan pekerjaan dasar under carriage
  • Memperbaiki turbo charger
  • Memperbaiki cylinder head group.
  • Memperabaiki fuel injection pump
  • Memperbaiki radiator assy
  • Merawat 10 jam operasi ( daily )
  • Merawat unit/ mesin 50 jam operasi ( weekly )
  • Merawat unit/ mesin 250 jam operasi ( moontly )
  • Merawat unit/ mesin 2000 jam

Sejarah Teknik Alat Berat

Tahun 1996 mulai berkerja sama dengan PT. Trakindo Utama bentuk bantuan berupa sumbangan peralatan 1 tool box, OHP, TV, Projector dan Engine Generator Set 3306 B dengan daya 5000 Kwh.

Tahun 2000 mulai membuka kelas industri/ cooperation yang lulusannya nanti langsung menjadi mekanik di PT.Trakindo Utama. Guru Teknik Alat Berat sebelum mengajar Alat Berat diwajibkan mengikuti Basic Mechanic yang diadakan PT. Trakindo Utama di Cileungsi Bogor. PT. Trakindo Utama bekerjasama dengan 6 SMK di seluruh Indonesia yaitu Lupuk Pakam, Singosari, Balikpapan, Makasar, Timika, Sorong.

Tahun 2004 PT. Trakindo Utama memberikan bantuan berupa 2 softwere pembelajaran yaitu MIM (Multimedia Information Manager) dimana softwere interaktif dimana ada pretes, postes, animasi, video dan animasi, sedangkan program SIS (Service Informasi Sistem) program yang berisi bagaimana cara membongkar pasang komponen, melepas dan memasang komponen dari unit atau engine. PT. Trakindo Utama menambah kerjasamanya menjadi 10 SMK yaitu Lupuk Pakam, Singosari, Balikpapan, Makasar, Timika, Sorong, Dumai, Sumbawa Besar, Samarinda, Sulawesi Selatan.

Tahun 2014 PT. Trakindo Utama Mengurangi kerjasamanya dengan SMK menjadi 9 SMK karena salah satu SMK melanggar MOU yang telah disepakati dan menambah jumlah Poltek Negeri Padang, Poltek Negeri Jakarta, Poltek TEDC Bandung, Poltek Negeri Samarinda, Poltek Negeri Balikpapan, Poltek Negeri Ujung Pandang.

Tahun 2013 PT. Trakindo Mengirimkan PIC kemasing-masing SMK kerjasamanya untuk melakukan pendampingan dan peningkatan kerjasama. Sampai saat ini dalam pendampinganya PIC melakukan peningkatan kemampuan guru baik dalam hal pengetahuan dan kemampuan tentang Teknik Alat berat maupun meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kemampuan tentang cara memberikan pembelajaran. Contoh pengembangan pengetahuan dan kemampuan guru adalah diadakan pelatihan manajemen waktu dimana manajemen waktu adalah proses perencanaan dan melatih kontrol diri terhadap pengaturan waktu dan aktivitas, efisiensi, atau produktivitas (Suryani Yeti W., 2015: 77), PT. Trakindo juga mengadakan pelatihan bersahabat dengan remaja sangat di perlukan oleh guru dikarenakan usia remaja memiliki kematangan psikoilogi yang labil dan memilikikarakteristik yang unik (Suryani Yeti W., 2015: 21).

45 Pertanyaan Interview Bahasa Inggris dan Jawabannya Lengkap!

45 Pertanyaan Interview Bahasa Inggris dan Jawabannya Lengkap! – Artikel berikut akan memaparkan beberapa pertanyaan interview bahasa Inggris yang sering ditanyakan dan gambaran jawabannya.

45 Pertanyaan Interview Bahasa Inggris dan Jawabannya Lengkap!

Wawancara dalam bahasa Inggris memang cukup menantang. Ada yang takut salah memahami pertanyaan. Ada pula yang khawatir tidak tahu harus menjawab apa.

Nah, tenang saja. Dalam artikel ini, kamu bisa mempelajari 30 pertanyaan di bawah untuk mempersiapkan wawancara kerja.

Tak hanya di situ, Glints juga berkesempatan berbicara dengan Jacqueline, Head of Growth di GITS.id tentang pengalamannya saat akan wawancara dengan bahasa Inggris.

Nah, salah satu hal unik yang dilakukan Jacqueline untuk menyiapkan diri diwawancara dengan bahasa Inggris adalah membiasakan diri ke bahasa tersebut.

“Sebelum melakukan interview bahasa Inggris, saya akan perbanyak exposure ke bahasa tersebut seperti dengan lagu barat, nonton serial barat, dan webinar berbahasa Inggris.” – Jacqueline, Head of Growth di GITS.id

Menarik, bukan? Jika ingin cek insights lain dari Jacqueline, langsung simak informasinya di bawah ini, ya!

Pertanyaan Interview Bahasa Inggris

Menurut Jacqueline, kita harus selalu mengantisipasi wawancara dalam bahasa Inggris.

Apalagi, jika sudah ditulis dalam job posting bahwa perusahaan tersebut menggunakan bahasa Inggris dalam kesehariannya.

“Selalu expect akan ada wawancara dalam bahasa Inggris. Terutama jika tertulis di job posting kalau perusahaan menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk kegiatan sehari-hari.” – Jacqueline, Head of Growth di GITS.id

Nah, untuk mempersiapkan dirimu lebih baik, cermati 30 pertanyaan bahasa Inggris di bawah ini!

1. Tell me about yourself

Arti: Ceritakan dirimu.

Ini adalah pertanyaan interview bahasa Inggris yang paling sering ditanyakan.

Pastikan kamu tidak memberikan informasi yang terlalu detail dan terlalu singkat tentang dirimu ketika menjawab pertanyaan ini, seperti ditulis The Balance Careers.

Contoh jawaban:

My name is Fatia Sahrah. I am twenty five years old.

I’ve been working as a software engineer in two tech companies in Jakarta. There, I learned a lot about software.

After office hours, I used to join some software engineer classes to upgrade my skill. I’ve been loving things related to technology since I was in high school.

2. Tell me about your work experience

Arti: Ceritakan tentang pengalaman kerjamu.

Pengalaman kerja adalah pertanyaan wajib ditanyakan oleh rekruter di setiap wawancara guna untuk mengenal secara detail pekerjaanmu sebelum-sebelumnya.

Namun, mungkin banyak yang masih bingung bagaimana merangkai kata-kata yang baik saat menjawab hal ini.

Nah, mengutip Jacqueline, saat kita sebenarnya mengerti pertanyaan yang diberikan, tapi tidak tahu cara mengungkapkannya, kita bisa cari padanan kata yang mirip.

“Saat kita tahu mau jawab apa, tapi tidak fasih merangkai kata-katanya, tetap digas saja. Coba cari padanan kata lain yang mirip dan bisa menyampaikan pikiranmu.” – Jacqueline, Head of Growth di GITS.id

Contoh jawaban:

I have 4 years of experience in advertising. Previously, I worked at an agency and handled more than 50 clients.

As an advertising specialist, I made advertising concepts with the clients and helped them to achieve their goals.

One of my biggest clients was a top FMCG company in Indonesia. At that time, I finished a big project with a limited budget.

3. Tell me about your education

Arti: Ceritakan tentang pendidikanmu.

Contoh jawaban:

I graduated from the Faculty of Business and Economics University of Maju Pendidikan, majoring in Management. There, I learned a lot about marketing, finance, human resources, and operations management.

I also participated in some clubs to improve my soft skills and competitions.

4. Why do you want this job?

Arti: Mengapa kamu menginginkan pekerjaan ini?

Contoh jawaban:

Graphic design is in my blood. I have loved to visualize things around me since elementary school. Then, I joined some courses to improve my design skill.

Until now, I have worked with some companies to help them with my design. They all are satisfied with my design.

Now, I hope I can also help your company to visualize your needs. This company has the same vision as me: education. I want to visualize our vision together.

5. What do you know about this company?

Arti: Apa yang kamu ketahui tentang perusahaan ini?

Contoh jawaban:

Your company is a fast-growing startup that focuses on e-wallet for millennials. Since its establishment, your company has gained several achievements, awards, and milestones.

I also like the way you market your services and approach your target market.

6. What is your greatest strength?

Arti: Apa kelebihan terbesarmu?

Contoh jawaban: 

I’m a natural problem-solver. I find it rewarding to dig deep and uncover solutions to challenges—it’s like solving a puzzle. It’s something I’ve always excelled at and something I enjoy.

Much of product development is about finding innovative solutions to challenging issues, which is what drew me to this career path in the first place.

7. What is your greatest weakness?

Arti: Apa kekurangan terbesarmu?

Pertanyaan interview bahasa Inggris yang satu ini cukup menjebak.

Dikutip dari The Muse, kamu harus menjawabnya dengan jujur. Namun, kamu perlu menambahkan caramu dalam mengatasi kekurangan tersebut.

Contoh jawaban:

My greatest weakness is I often lose focus when I am occupied with so many tasks. To overcome this, I came up with a to-do list and time-management system that allows me to organize all my tasks.

8. Who has impacted you most in your career?

Arti: Siapa yang paling berpengaruh dalam kariermu?

Contoh jawaban:

My father. He was a senior journalist for a national mass media company.

When he was a journalist, I saw him trying hard to get the information as clear as possible, so people might know the truth. He is my inspiration to be a dedicated journalist.

9. Tell me how you think other people would describe you

Arti: Ceritakan bagaimana menurutmu orang lain akan mendeskripsikan dirimu.

Contoh jawaban: 

I think people would say that what I see is what I get. If I say I will do something, I do it. If I say I will help, I help.

I’m not sure that everyone likes me, but they all know they can count on what I say and how hard I work.

10. Do you find it difficult to adapt to new situations?

Arti: Apakah kamu kesulitan untuk beradaptasi di situasi yang baru?

Contoh jawaban:

Adaptation is not easy. Of course I will find it difficult to adapt at the beginning.

Based on previous experience, I feel like I’m starting to adapt after working for 1 week.

11. How do you manage stress and pressure?

Arti: Bagaimana kamu mengatur stres dan tekanan?

Contoh jawaban:

My first step in managing stress is to try to circumvent it by keeping my work processes very organized, and my attitude professional.

I also break down my projects into smaller tasks. I make a list of action items with reasonable deadlines.

12. How do you prioritize work?

Arti: Bagaimana kamu memprioritaskan pekerjaan?

Contoh jawaban:

I always see work from two things: urgency and importance. From those consideration, I will always start doing work that is urgent and important, then urgent, important, and work that is not in both.

I also equip my phone with the Trello app which has been helping me work for a while.

13. What is your greatest accomplishment?

Arti: Apa pencapaian terbesarmu?

Contoh jawaban:

In my last role, I managed all social media content. I noticed other brands were experimenting with videos and getting great engagement.

So, I asked my boss if we could do a low-budget test. She agreed and I produced a video.

Then, we found that the conversions increased by 40%, which is a large number.

14. When were you most satisfied in your work?

Arti: Kapan kamu merasa paling puas dalam bekerja?

Contoh jawaban:

It’s when I completed my job properly, on time, and hit the target. When I see my boss, clients, or company satisfied with my work, I’m also satisfied.

15. Where do you see yourself five years from now?

Arti: Bagaimana kamu melihat dirimu lima tahun ke depan?

Pastikan pertanyaan interview bahasa Inggris yang satu ini dan jawabannya relevan dengan pekerjaan yang kamu lamar.

Contoh jawaban:

I’m really excited by this position at ABC Company because in five years, I’d like to be seen as someone with deep expertise in product development, and I know that’s something that I’ll have an opportunity to do here.

I’m also really excited to take on more managerial responsibilities in the next few years and potentially even take the lead on some projects.

16. What is your dream job?

Arti: Apa pekerjaan impianmu?

Contoh jawaban:

I’ve been interested in the content industry. That, combined with my interest in traveling and foods, is my dream job to be a travel writer that takes readers around the world with me.

17. Why did you leave your previous job?

Arti: Mengapa kamu meninggalkan pekerjaan sebelumnya?

Kamu harus berhati-hati pada pertanyaan interview bahasa Inggris yang satu ini dan jawabannya.

Meski kamu memiliki alasan negatif tertentu yang berkaitan dengan perusahaan, berusahalah menjawab senetral mungkin.

Jangan sampai kamu justru menjelek-jelekkan perusahaan sebelumnya, ya.

Contoh jawaban:

I was very fortunate to be hired by ABC Company. They taught me a lot about digital marketing, and it’s been stimulating to work as a contributor to their creative teams.

However, I’m ready for the next step. Meanwhile, they already have a good digital marketing manager. Then, I see myself can hit the ground running as your next digital marketing manager.

18. What kind of work environment do you like best?

Arti: Lingkungan kerja seperti apa yang paling kamu sukai?

Contoh jawaban:

I’ve really thrived in more collaborative environments.

I prefer a setting where everyone’s input is taken into consideration because I believe approaching any project with a range of perspectives is better in the long run.

19. What do you like to do outside of work?

Arti: Apa yang suka kamu lakukan di luar bekerja?

Contoh jawaban:

I’m raising a family, so a lot of my time is focused on that.

I’m also using my commute time to learn foreign languages. Now, I’m learning Japanese.

20. How do you handle conflict at work?

Arti: Bagaimana kamu mengatasi konflik dalam pekerjaan?

Contoh jawaban:

Conflict is inevitable when a company works hard to get things done.

When it happens, I try to listen and understand others’ point of view. I try to make a discussion and not be defensive.

I’m sure that we will find the best solution if we have the same purpose.

21. Tell me about a time you failed

Arti: Ceritakan tentang peristiwa kegagalanmu.

Dalam pertanyaan interview bahasa Inggris yang satu ini, kamu bisa menceritakan pengalamanmu gagal.

Tak hanya itu, kamu bisa melengkapinya dengan pemahamanmu soal kegagalan dan bagaimana caramu bangkit.

Contoh jawaban:

I once handled a startup company’s campaign project. I poured all my heart to the project.

But, there was a miscommunication between us. When I presented my draft, they didn’t like it.

They asked me to make a new draft. After we had a long discussion, I could finally make a project that they liked a lot.”

22. What are your salary expectations?

Arti: Berapa gaji yang diharapkan?

Pertanyaan ini pasti ada dalam interview bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia. Kamu membutuhkan strategi khusus dalam menjawabnya.

Contoh jawaban: 

My salary expectation is between RpX – RpY, which is the average salary for a candidate with my level of experience in this city.

However, we can discuss more about this.

23. Why should we hire you?

Arti: Mengapa kami harus merekrutmu?

Contoh jawaban:

My experience is almost perfectly aligned with the requirements you asked for in your job listing.

I have five years’ progressive experience in the accounting industry, advancing from my initial role as a junior accountant to my previous position as a senior accountant.

I pride myself on my ability to prepare financial reports, perform account reconciliations, and also build a reliable team. So, I will also do it in your company.

24. What makes you unique?

Arti: Apa yang membuatmu unik/berbeda?

Beri mereka alasan untuk memilihmu dibandingkan kandidat lainnya. Kuncinya adalah menjaga jawabanmu tetap relevan dengan posisi yang kamu lamar.

Contoh jawaban:

  • I’m incredibly organized and live for my planner. As a result my old boss never had a missed message or mistake in their schedule.
  • I started a career in editorial after transitioning from the health industry. Because I was in their shoes, I know what career advice readers need.

25. What should I know that’s not on your resume?

Arti: Apa yang perlu saya (rekruter) ketahui di luar apa yang tertulis di resume-mu?

Contoh jawaban:

I’d like you to know [strength/anecdote]. This is important because [explanation of what it shows about you]. I believe this will help me with [aspect of the job] because [something that connects your answer back to the position].

26. Are you willing to relocate?

Arti: Apakah kamu bersedia untuk pindah (kota)?

Contoh jawaban:

  • I do love living in [current location] and would prefer to stay here. However, for the right opportunity I’d be willing to consider relocating if necessary.
  • I’m very excited about this opportunity, however, due to [obligation] I am unable to relocate at this time.

27. How do you plan to achieve your career goals?

Arti: Bagaimana caramu untuk mencapai tujuan kariermu?

Contoh jawaban:

My current goal is to earn the CPA license so that I’m fully certified and prepared to contribute in a junior staff accounting job. My undergraduate degree is in finance and I completed an accounting internship with XYZ Company last summer. 

While I was there, I decided that each week I’d ask one person from a different team to coffee to learn about their job and career path.

Not only did those conversations impress upon me the importance of getting my CPA as soon as possible, they also helped me realize I was eager to pursue forensic accounting, which is why I’m so excited about the opportunity to join this team.

In order to ensure I earn my CPA this year, I’ve enrolled in NASBA workshops, have created a study schedule to keep myself on track, and will be taking my first trial test in three weeks. I plan on taking the actual test within the next three to six months.

28. How do you like to be managed?

Arti: Tipe dan cara kerja manajer seperti apa yang kamu sukai?

Contoh jawaban:

The bosses I’ve worked best with in the past have set clear, concise, and realistic goals and expectations.

I’m highly motivated by deadlines and being a part of not just my team’s success but the whole company’s, so working with someone who takes both of these things seriously and ties them back to everything they do allows me to perform at my best.

29. When can you start?

Arti: Kapan kamu bisa mulai bekerja?

Contoh jawaban:

  • While my ideal start date is [date], I do have some flexibility, and I’d be happy to figure out a date that works with your timeline.
  • I have several projects to wrap up in my current role at [Company]. I plan to give them [number of weeks] notice to make a smooth transition for my co-workers and will be happy to come onboard with the team here after that time.

30. How did you hear about this position?

Arti: kamu tahu lowongan ini dari mana?

Contoh jawaban:

I found the job opening through LinkedIn. Since I have been eyeing and dreaming about working on your company, I thought this would be a good chance for me to apply for.

31. What can you bring to the company?

Arti: Apa yang bisa kamu berikan/kontribusikan untuk perusahaan ini?

Contoh jawaban:

Your business is planning to expand the reach to established small business owners. I’d bring my expertise in this area since in my current role, I am also guiding sales team especially in selling to the new customers for the first time.

32. Tell me about a time you demonstrated leadership skills.

Arti: Coba ceritakan momen ketika kamu menunjukkan kepemimpinanmu.

Contoh jawaban:

In my previous position, I was in charge of pitching prospects for our upcoming initiatives alongside my team. I assigned different tasks to my team members, yet they ended up having some concerns. The presentation went well because I took the time to hear to everyone’s opinions, reassess the assignments, and change up a few of them.

33. Tell me about a time you made a mistake.

Arti: Coba ceritakan momen saat kamu melakukan sebuah kesalahan.

Contoh jawaban:

At an early stage of my career, I missed a project deadline. Following that encounter, I returned to seriously consider how to improve my organisational skills. I sat down with my supervisor and asked for advice on how to improve it, as well as suggestiong action items to fix things.

34. Tell me about a time you disagree with a decision at work.

Arti: Ceritakan momen ketika kamu tidak setuju dengan keputusan atasan atau perusahaan.

Contoh jawaban:

As account manager, I was in responsible of managing all relationships with five clients. My manager once told me that I needed to make various changes to one client’s marketing strategy. I disagreed with her because I evaluate the time schedule, budget, and objectives. We have a talk and reach an agreement.

35. Why was there a gap in your employment?

Arti: Kenapa ada jarak di antara riwayat pekerjaanmu? (Kenapa kamu sempat menganggur/tidak bekerja?)

Contoh jawaban:

One time I decided to shift my focus on my small business. After giving it some time, I realized that entrepreneurship was not really my passion. I now delegate and supervise my businesses to my family, and chose to go back to my passion; software engineering.

36. Why do you change your career path?

Arti: Kenapa kamu memutuskan untuk ganti jalur karier?

Contoh jawaban:

For the last five years of my profession, I’ve written a wide range of content kinds for various sectors. But I’ve been looking for a position with higher career prospects in the job market.

37. What are you looking for in the new position?

Arti: Apa yang kamu cari di pekerjaan yang baru?

Contoh jawaban:

Another thing that is significant to me is that the position allows me to not only experiment with data but also deliver my results and recommendations to clients directly. That would be very enriching for my experience.

38. What do you like to do outside of work?

Arti: Apa kegiatan yang kamu lakukan di luar pekerjaan:

Contoh jawaban:

I have been joining graphic designer communities in my town since 3 years ago. Until now, we occasionally hold or join an event or competitions to expand our networking, hone our skills, or simply just to have fun.

39. What are you passionate about?

Arti: Apa passion-mu? (Hal apa yang sangat kamu senang saat melakukannya?)

Contoh jawaban:

I am passionate in helping others solve their problem, especially in enhancing their competencies to reach their dream career. That is why I am highly interested in joining your company which focuses on helping young talents learn skills they need to excel in the workforce.

40. What other companies are you interviewing with?

Arti: Kamu sedang melamar/interview dengan perusahaan mana saja?

Contoh jawaban:

I’m interviewing with several companies for a variety of roles, but it ultimately boils down to providing a good customer experience. So far it appears that this role will truly allow me to focus all of my work on customer experience and retention, which I find very appealing.

42. How do you plan to achieve your career goals?

Arti: Bagaimana rencanamu dalam mencapai karier impianmu?

Contoh jawaban:

My current goal is to obtain a CPA licence so that I can be completely credentialed and prepared to work in a junior staff accounting position. In order to achieve my CPA this year, I’ve signed up for workshops and a trial test in four weeks.

43. Do you consider yourself successful?

Arti: Apakah kamu menganggap dirimu sukses?

Contoh jawaban:

Despite the fact that I am still in my early stages of professional development, I consider myself successful. For me, success means setting a goal and sticking to it, no matter how difficult it is. My experience of having a job before graduating shown that I could be effective even when there was a lot to balance.

43. How do you stay organized especially during heavy workloads?

Arti: Bagaimana supaya tugas dan kinerjamu tetap tertata rapi, terutama saat banyak workload?

Contoh jawaban:

I use any technology or tools that can help me keep organized. I constantly attempt to include calendars, alarms, project management tools such as Trello, and shared folders on Google Drive into my daily chores. That way, I barely missed any deadlines.

44. Is there anything else you’d like us to know?

Arti: Ada lagi yang ingin disampaikan ke kami?

Contoh jawaban:

I believe we’ve addressed the majority of it, but to summarise, it appears that you’re looking for someone with experience establishing brand strategies from scratch. And with my previous expertise establishing brand X from the ground up, I believe I’d be a good fit.

45. Do you have any questions?

Arti: Apa ada pertanyaan?

Contoh jawaban:

What would success look like in this role?

What are some of the challenges people typically face in this position?

Itulah 30 pertanyaan interview bahasa Inggris dan jawabannya.

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